Hello friends and fellow coders,
We are the team of Apaar Gupta, Ambuj pandey and Amal Srivastava from
previous year’s edition of CodeVita. And here we take the
opportunity to share our experience with you all.
Our team did good in the previous year’s CodeVita. We stood 6th in
the first round, topped the second round and were finally the second runner ups
in the final round.
We were introduced to programming, rather inspired for it by looking at
our seniors who used to participate in online contests and were winning
accolades. We got in touch with them and started our own programming on online
sites. Till this date we can’t clearly recall how we three bumped into each
other and formed a team, but we have been a team ever since.
Earlier we were just some Computer Science guys who thought they have a
knack of programming and can code well. But, lo and behold, we were introduced
to a whole new world of algorithms, data structures, rules, constraints and
what not. But gradually we got a hold of it. We even cleared the first round of
ACM-International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) 2011.
Our Journey:
Frankly speaking, we weren’t excited enough in the very beginning (as it
was happening for the first time) and our expectations were not that high. It
was after the first round that we scored the sixth position; there on we
started getting vibes that if we put some efforts, this contest can be a game
changer. And it did! The second round will be particularly a
memorable one to us. Especially the journey from a 30+ rank to 1st within last
1 hour is unforgettable. We can write an altogether different blog article to
express our emotions about it.
Finally, in the third round, we were invited to TCS Pune Sahyadri Park
Campus. The high-tech campus amidst lush green mountains melts your heart in
the very first sight. It’s easy to fantasize yourself along with your laptop
onto the grasses. Anyway, the questions here were a bit more
challenging in terms of test-cases. Even the easier ones had pit-falls and most
submissions resulted in Time Limit Exceeded (TLE) and Wrong Answer(WA).
Experiences from CodeVita:
Prior to CodeVita, we were already familiar with some online
programming contests, having participated in some of them on CodeChef, TopCoder
etc. We had also cleared the first round of ACM ICPC in 2011 (and subsequently
in 2012).
But CodeVita was different, different in many aspects. Here we found
that having core knowledge is not sufficient, you need to write a well rounded
code that is impregnable and can’t be broken.
Tips to fellow coders/juniors/newbies:
1. Know your compiler:
The knowledge of which compiler is to be used is essential. Your
compiler must match the one used by CodeVita. For C/C++ users who still use
Turbo C, beware. CodeVita uses GCC compiler for C/C++ (and so does all others).
It’s sad to see that many colleges still use Turbo C/C++ as their default
compiler in their labs. They still think that the size of an int is 2 bytes!
Preferably use an IDE like CodeBlocks for C/C++ and Netbeans/Eclipse for
Java. Also, it is advisable to prepare a template before attempting to code
during the match.
2. Beware of Invalid Inputs and Corner Cases:
Your code might be tested against a plethora of invalid and random
inputs. So you must put checks against them at all times, and prevent your code
from breaking down. Watch out for corner cases every time before you design
your solution.
For instance in Round 2 there was a problem on Income Tax calculation,
it was “crazy” (we read that as whimsically clever) to create and test sample
input and run them on an Online-IT simulator website and matching the results
with our own. Crazy, aren’t we?
3. Know a bit about complexities:
Time complexity does play a vital role sometimes in deciding you
solution. The first year students (FY16) might not be aware about it at all.
For example, there was a problem of finding primes up to a given number
n that appeared in the first round. There the maximum limit of n was 1000. So
any naive solution could pass. But the same question appeared in the second
round too, but with the limits raised to 1000000. Now, the same code won’t run
here (Time Limit Exceeded). So specialized methods are required (like Sieve
Remember, your code can’t run forever.
4. Adhere to the output format strictly:
Do as is directed in the statement, print the answers as it is, print
new lines (\n) wherever required, and no other characters at all. Not even an
extra space here and there, as it could lead up to Presentation Errors (like
previous year).
Some general tips:
5. Team effort:
At times like these, you aren’t judged on your personal
intelligence/knowledge. What counts is the team’s glory. Understanding yours
and others, weak and strong areas are an important factor.
As in our case, for instance, we were pretty clear if a problem on
Strings and File Handling came across, it would be done by a specific member.
Similarly if it’s an ad-hoc, the other one would take charge.
6. Strategize!
Unlike ICPC, here we are given three machines (one per member) in the
on-site round. So, you can parallelise your work, such as three different
coders working on three/two different problems. But remember, coding in the
cozyness of your house is different from coding in the competitive environment
setup of the on-site round. So prepare likewise.
Each problem is designated as Simple, Medium or Hard. Simple ones are
mostly ad-hoc so you can solve them with ease (provided your grey matter is in
good mood that day). Medium ones often look simple, but there are pitfalls that
need be noted and acted upon. Hard ones expect some significant pen-paper
minutes, so be prepared when you try attempting them.
7. Written materials:
Some problems are directly based on classical problems. You can carry a Introduction
to Algorithms by Cormen for quick reference on the onsite round as they are
allowed but do remember; any online help is strictly frowned upon and may lead
to disqualification.
Winning and Aftermath:
The rewards from TCS were abundant. We were offered a provisional offer letter,
an internship letter, an Amazon Kindle each (1st and 2nd
rankers got iPad and Galaxy tabs) and an IEEE Student Membership. Now, having
completed our B.E. we are about to join TCS very soon. And we’re very excited about
For us, the post CodeVita experience has been a wonderful one.
CodeVita2k12 has brought us up to the strata amongst peers now that it provided
us a significant social recognition. We were awarded in our college by every
senior personality, and many treats and parties followed. The addiction for
programming was revitalized by this feat and we also participated in
programming events at IIT-Kanpur and also with IEEEXtreme.
Programming is weird thing to do. First you indulge in it, then face a
sea full of obstacles like WA, TLE or Compile Error, but believe us, there is a
*bliss* moment when your code runs after those brain wrecking times. Relish the
ecstasy in CodeVita 2013. Keep calm, keep programming.
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